

FACTS - Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System technology is a family of devices, each of which can be used individually and in concert with other devices to control the interrelated parameters of the electrical power system. The mission of FACTS technology is to improve the control of power flows in both steady-state and transient modes of EPS. Flexibility of Electric Power Transmission, applied as "The ability to adapt to changes in transmission system or operating conditions while maintaining sufficient operating limits in steady-state and transient modes". Controlled Flexible AC Transmission Lines - Flexibility from Electric Power Transmission means "AC Power transmission systems that incorporate power electronic devices and other static controllers to improve controllability and increase throughput". Device (regulator, controller) FACTS - FACTS regulator, which means "A system based on power electronics and other static devices that provides control of one or more parameters of the AC power transfer system". FACTS Devices are conventionally divided into three types: parallel devices (lateral compensation devices); serial devices (longitudinal compensation devices); combined devices.

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  1. Texnologiya i ustroystva FACTS: Ucheb. Posobie / M.SH.Misrikhanov, V.N.Ryabchenko / FBGOVO «Ivanovskiy gosudarstvenniy energeticheskiy universitet imeni V.I.Lenina. -Ivanovo, 112 - 217 s.
  2. Misrikhanov M.Sh., Khamidov Sh.V. Kombinirovannie ustroystva texnologii upravlyaemix gibkix elektroperedach peremennogo toka FACTS. // Nauchno-texnicheskiy jurnal “Problemi energo i resursosberejeniya”. Tashkent, 2019, №2.
  3. Misrikhanov M.SH., Khamidov Sh.V. Matematicheskaya model potoka moshnosti v elektricheskoy sisteme, soderjashey shuntiruyushiy reaktor i kondensatornuyu batareyu s tiristornim upravleniem dlya kompensatsii reaktivnoy moshnosti. // Vestnik TashGTU.Texnicheskie nauki i innovatsiya. 2019. №1. S.90-97.
  4. Misrikhanov M.Sh., Khamidov Sh.V. Matematicheskaya model potoka moshnosti v elektricheskoy sisteme, soderjashey posledovatelniy kompensator reaktivnoy moshnosti s tiristornim upravleniem. // Vestnik TashGTU. Texnicheskie nauki i innovatsiya. 2019. №2.
  5. Misrikhanov M.Sh,Khamidov Sh.V. Raschet potokov moshnosti v odnofaznoy seti s staticheskim sinxronnim kompensatorom i obedinennim regulyatorom. //Nauchno-texnicheskiy jurnal «Problemi informatiki i energetiki». - Tashkent, 2019, № 3.
  6. Misrikhanov M.Sh., Khamidov Sh.V. Raschet potoka moshnosti v trexfaznoy seti, soderjashey ustroystva upravlyaemix gibkix elektroperedach peremennogo toka.// Nauchno texnicheskiy jurnal Problemi informatiki i energetiki.-Tashkent, 2019, -№ 3.
  7. Hingorani, N.G. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) - Owerview / N.G. Hungorani // Paper presented at the Panel Session of FACTS. IEEE PES 1990 Winter Meeting. Atlanta, 1990.
  8. Hingorani, N.G. Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems / IEEE Press, 2000.
  9. Song, Y.H. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) / Y.H. Song, A.T. Johns. – London: IEEE Press, 1999.
  10. Pospelova T.G. Effekti primeneniya FACTS i ASM v povishenii effektivnosti regionalnix i natsionalnix energosistem// International Conference “Energy of Moldova.Regional aspects of development”. October 4-6, 2012. - Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.Pgs.83-90.
  11. Khamidov Sh.V. Sostoyanie i perspektivnoe razvitie OES Sentralnoy Azii.// Metodicheskie voprosi issledovaniya nadejnosti bolshix sistem energetiki: Sbornik nauchnix trudov 89 zasedaniya Mejdunarodnogo nauchnogo seminara imeni U.A.Rudenko. – Izdatelstvo:Fede-ralnoe gosudarstvennoe byudjetnoe uchrejdenie nauki Institut sistem energetiki im.L.A. Melent`eva Sibirskogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2017.- S.
  12. Shukhrat Khamidov, Sunnatilla Tillaev, Bahrom Normuratov. “Improving the reliability of UPS Central Asia implementation of FACTS devices”- Rudenko International Conference “Methodological problems in reliability study of large energy systems” (RSES 2020).
  13. Khamidov Sh.V,Normuratov B.R.,Pulatov B.M,Kilichov O.G. “Optimization of power flow through FACTS in electrical networks”- “Construction Mechanics,Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering”(CONMECHHYDRO-2020)



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